Best ways to write valuable Blog content: 4 year experience.
Did you know that 84 present blog content not gain the popularity in the search engine.You know that 40000 searches are taken in google in one seconds.Are you Shocked?.
Every blogger can write the content but every person can't write valuable content.That's why 90 present content doesn't got the traffic from Google.
In these days almost all the the topics are covered and every topic have a least numbers of posts here question comes in mind how to claim in #1 in the Google that is not possible without the valuable content.
After reading this tutorials Trust me you can write the valuable content but here is one Hardworking or practice is necessary.
Every blogger can write the content but every person can't write valuable content.That's why 90 present content doesn't got the traffic from Google.
In these days almost all the the topics are covered and every topic have a least numbers of posts here question comes in mind how to claim in #1 in the Google that is not possible without the valuable content.
After reading this tutorials Trust me you can write the valuable content but here is one Hardworking or practice is necessary.
How to Write valuable content using 4 ways.
1 Introduction for user attraction.
firstly when user open the post it read first introduction you should be know only 4 seconds u have to attract the user that will not possible without the valuable intro see my intro
Did you know to 84 present blog content not gain the popularity in the search engine.You know that 40000 searches are taken in google in one seconds.Are you Shocked?.you will used that type paragraphs or wold which force the user to read the whole article as you are reading now if i am right you start reading after read the intro if it is true then felt the importance of intro.
2 Structure of the content
Some people have the nature that they don't read the intro first they see the structure of the article after this it's possibility they they will read the intro focus on my world it's possibility not fixed the user can read the a certain paragraph.A good structure of the content attract the mostly people.
3 Good knowledge about the topic
Without knowledge nothing is possible so who this content writing will be possible before writing anything you should be search about the topic and gain the as much as knowledge from different sites and after this create a writing structure in any notebook or register then write it.
Important note about choosing the niche .
you should chose the niche which you have a good grip some peoples choose that type of niche in which they don't know anything about it then the new idea for writing the content in his mind mind not comes and if they want write in which they don't know then they can't write valuable content
4 write for users not for search engines.
Its not my world that write for users not for search engines it says also Google that not write for me write for peoples your thought should not to earn money I KNOW it's the part of your life but trust me if you write for users then you will try to write the best and best .
Best of Luck....
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